Tuesday, April 26, 2011

All Good!

YES!  The MRI was good!  Back in 4 months.

Ok, after days like these, I begin to believe I'm going to live for a while. That then makes me wonder what am I going to do? I've talked to the psychiatrist about possible jobs in the future and we've been unable to come up with anything. My brain goes to mush if I think more than a little while. And a little while is like maybe an hour. When that happens I HAVE to take a nap to even get back to somewhat normal. That's in addition to my normal 10-12 hours of nightly sleep.

Please don't get me wrong, I'm really excited about living but cofused as to what to do with the future.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


It's only Saturday.  I have copied and reviewed the MRI. I cannot tell if it is diffferent or not. It looks like there might be more enhancement around the area where the tumor was removed. Just have to wait until Monday.

Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

4 months

I live my life in 4 month segments.  Tomorrow is the end of another segment.

Why 4 months you ask? That's the length of time between MRI's.  So tomorrow at 1pm I'll find out how the next segment will go.  Will it be another 4 months clean & clear or will next round of treatments start? Tomorrow we'll find out.


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The little elk

Some days are stranger than others.

Monday was my Great Aunt's funeral. For some reason I get there earlier than the rest of my family.  None of these people have seen since my Grandmother's funeral 7 years ago, some longer than that. So I'm introducing myself to distant relatives that have no clue who I am. What repsonse do I get? "Oh, I didn't recognize you without you're long hair." or "You're hair was so long last time we say you." Great, I just kinda blew it off with a "well, I've grown up" statement.  What I wanted to say was that I was lucky to have any hair at all and yes, I'd love to have my long hair back but it's not an option - @#*%$*

Then it got even  more interesting once the funeral started. There were 2 reverends speaking. The first was a woman from the church my Aunt attended. The longer this lady spoke, the louder she got and the higher her voice got.  At one point I didn't know if I was at a funeral or an old timey tent Revival.  I was expecting to get saved again at any moment. Then I noticed the 2nd reverend was probably her husband. I really didn't think I could make through another session.

Finally we made it to the graveyard for a small grave side service. It only lasted about 2 minutes. Everyone started leaving and we were just chatting with relatives.  At one point my Dad looks over and asks me how I like his keychain. I couldn't really see it so I asked what it was. It was a little elk. It as really cute so I asked where he got it from, his reply "You brought it back fro me from Alaska"

Yeah, like kinda sucks when you can't remember stuff like that. And you can't remember it in front of a lot of people. I'll just go to bed now.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Watching the waves

I've always loved the ocean. When I need to go to my "happy place" it's on the beach. So when my friend asked this -

Friend posted:
I ask every time. Please pray or wish me the best. I imagine the cancer burning to cinders inside of me. Embers go up and go cool. Just the cancer. Turning black and my body can process it and it goes away. Please let this be the combo that works. Please let there be years for all of us. The flame burns but kills nothing but cancer. I find it very relaxing.

Here's how I responded:
I'm going to watch the tide come in and take away each and every little piece of cancer just like it does the sand. When the tide goes out, only clear clean cells will remain.
Please send prayers and wish away her cancer. Prayers do work.

Friday, April 1, 2011

New Hair

Well, I decided to get a new hair do.  Most of you already know I have a funky streak so it's now coming out in my hair. Not many people have seen it but here it is!

My new hair

Yes my hair is natually that dark. Freaks everyone out when they realize it and try to color it. No one believes it's that dark, it's really dark. Like almost black. The added color was suppoesed to be red red but it's more orange. I think we're going to back in and do more of a burgandy color.

I'm really liking this just type and let it go thing!