Monday, January 31, 2011

Online friends

How do you get so attached to people you've never meet? Just talked to online, never even seen a picture of? Don't even know there real name?

There's another group I chat with online. It's a cancer group. Not everyone has cancer but they are affected by it someway. We've even got a couple of Dr types that jumps in to answer questions. It's nice because everyone knows what your going through and you don't have be nicey nice, just tell it straight.

Anyway, one of the other participants got her scan results back today and they were not good. I'm totally devastated. Here's someone I hardly know anything about and I'm crying. Crying for her, her pain and her loss of everything. She's really at the bottom right now. I really want to help her up but there's not a lot I can do.

I don't want any of us to die but I realize it is inevitable, cancer or not.

Oh yeah - SCREW CANCER (screw is not the word I normally use)

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