Monday, February 21, 2011

I need sleep!

I normally sleep about 10-12 hours a night. I've been getting up later and later in the day and decided I needed to make a change. Go to bed earlier, get up earlier. I had stuff to do those days as well to make me get up earlier but I was thinking it would be a good breaking in period for me.

Saturday morning I got up at 0 dark thirty. I saw the sunrise and it was beautiful. It made me want to get up early every day to take pictures of the lovely country side. I felt really good about myself. I hit the yard sales, dropped off stuff to my Aunt, went to see my Dad, had a late lunch and hit the outlet mall. Yes, it was a lot of stuff I realize now. After the mall on the way home, we decided to hit one last flea market even though we were dragging. Keep in mind by this point I've taken 2 separate doses of Adderall to give me energy. I get home a little late - by this point my family should know I have NO sense of time and should be able to help me. Had dinner with friends, they live about 3 miles from our house, and then home to bed. I crashed immediately and didn't move until the alarm went off the next day. I think that's a normal/regular person day.

Sunday I get up a little later but still earlier than normal for Church. And it was another busy day. Church, Daytona 500 party, photo session with a friends kids and then back home for dinner and bed. Again took both doses of Adderall to keep going with a couple of Mt Dews to make it. I was so tired yesterday afternoon my memory went and speech were total shit. When I could remember what to say I'd slur it or just pronounce wrong. Again totally crashed and didn't move until morning.

Monday - day three. I got up about the same time this morning, could hardly make it. Chugged a Pepsi and took some Adderall so I could get going. By the time I finished my Doctor's appointment and a couple errands, I could hardly keep my eyes open. It wasn't even close to time for another Adderall. I got home and took a serious power nap - for about 3 hours or so. Normally I'm a light sleeper but I didn't even hear my husband come home. I'm not sure if I even moved in the bed.

I realize I'm not close to a normal person anymore. No way I could hold a job when I NEED to sleep 10-12 hours a night. I'd have just enough time to work, eat and go back to sleep. IF I could make it through a day of working. After the power nap I'm still so tired I just want to crawl back in bed. Hell I had a really hard time typing this up, righting was instead of saw things like that.

Thanks again world for showing me how different I am now.

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