Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Hi, it's me again. I've been pretty slack updating the blog so I'm making an assignment for myself: I'm going to try to update the blog at least once a week. However, I have an assignment for you as well.

One of the issues I have is with the index finger on my right hand. That's the hand I use all the time. Since it's been an issue since the incident I've learned to cope (somewhat) by using my middle finger. Doesn't sound like a big deal does it? Let's leave out that my thumb has issues as well but not as bad. So here's your assignment.
You cannot feel the tip of your index finger. You can feel pressure but you have no sensitivity. You have some feeling in the rest of the finger but not all. This means you have horrible dexterity issues. Now, go open a jar without using that finger. Then you hit the hard part: screw the lid back on. Try writing with a pen too. Try to go the entire day without using that finger. Let me know how you do.

OK that's enough for now. Pea OUT!!

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