Thursday, June 17, 2010

Good News!

Good News! I saw the neurologist yesterday and she confirmed I'm doing great. In fact she commented on the change from when she first meet me to now. How I'd originally showed up hairless with loads of issues and now I had gotten the seizures under control and looked beautiful with hair. She doesn't mind if I take Adderall and I don't have to see her for another 6 months.

Thought I'd give you a little more information on fatigue.  I had 2 doctors appointments yesterday and I was taking pictures at Vacation Bible School (VBS) last night. I got so tired at VBS I had to come home and go to bed. Not like I was doing anything physical, just taking pictures. I slept about 14 hours.

That's how tired I get and how much it takes me to recoup.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I have not posted anything funny in a while.  I don't think anything funny has really happened lately... until today.

Ronnie and I went out for lunch.  I've turned mostly into a vegetarian.  I will NOT eat anything with bones and am very, very picky about what meat I do eat.  So lots of times I get a salad or something light. 

Today I'm looking over the menu, not very hungry as usual, and having a hard time deciding on what to get.  There were no appetizers or salads catching my attention so I was looking at everything else.  They had a special of portobello mushrooms in an Alfredo sauce over pasta but that sounded too heavy.  The had a mushroom burger and I asked if it was a portobello and how it was cooked.  The waitress told me it was just regular mushrooms but it was good, so I ordered it.

It took forever to get our food.  We started talking about what was taking so long when I food finally arrived.

That's when it hit me!  I had been wondering how they were going to keep all those sautéed mushrooms on the bun and there it was.  A Mushroom Swiss Hamburger! 

I'm looking at it very confused.  I had ordered mushrooms and here is a cheeseburger on my plate.  Ronnie's explaining to me that I had ordered a mushroom BURGER and the waitress is asking if it's OK or did I want something else.  I was just laughing.  I had never occurred to me that the burger part was actually hamburger. DUH!

The waitress came back and said now she understood why I asking about the portobello and from now on she'd explain that it was a mushroom hamburger.  We were all laughing.

At least I can laugh at myself!