Thursday, August 18, 2011

Could you be pregnant?

I've not been feeling well.  It started a couple weeks ago with some abdominal cramping. Then progressed to hurting when I urinated; I ignored it until I woke up several times in the MIDDLE of the night nauseous. I'm thinking bladder infection.  Figured I could walk into the Urgent care, get a prescription and be on my way.

I get there, get checked in and wait for the nurse to call my name.  I somehow get the happiest nurse I've ever seen. Not the "about time to get off and get out of here" but more like "I just won the lottery, this is my last day and I'll never see this hell hole again" happy.  It was very odd.

She starts checking me in, asking all the normal questions. She's still all happy and everything is flowing along normal until we get to the "cound you be pregant" question. I say no, my husband had prostate cancer. And I very quickly and frankly get this in return:

"Just because your husband had his prostate cancer doesn't mean your not pregant"

I was totally dumbfounded. Absolutely speachless. I was trying to figure out a woman would come in with a husband unable to have children and be pregant. Was a woman stupid enough to think she couldn't get preggers by anyone? And then what happened when the husband found out.  Was he stupid too and think it was his or was there a huge fight with police called in? My brain could not process it all. I think I finally shook my head no because she went to the next question with her over the top cherry self.

I'm still shaking my head thinking about it.

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