Thursday, October 29, 2009

Catching Up

It's been a fun couple weeks.

> Spent a week a Dad's hanging out, eating, and buying/selling golf carts
> Got to hold Peanut for as long as I wanted and got lots of kisses from Maci
> Got to go see the goats, baby cows, ducks and little ponies at Danny's
> Got a "looking Great" from Duke. Then the standard return in 2 months with a new MRI
> Meet with the therapist and a psychiatrist. They gave me drugs. This is when you know you're crazy. (but it's helping)
> Slept with Baxter almost every night.
> Missed Ronnie and Hank and Tiger and Scottie but mostly Ronnie

Then I came home and rested.

I have determined I am not up to snuff. I cleaned the house yesterday. You know the normal floors (vacuum & mop), dust, clean the kitchen and bathrooms. Nothing intense or major just a little cleaning. It kicked my butt. Like I was in bed by 9 and asleep by 9:15ish. And I didn't want to get up this morning either!

Hunting season is kicking in so I'll be hanging out with friends and family more often. I could be posting a lot or a little depending on what's going on. Hopefully a pic of the huge buck Ronnie kills :) will be coming soon!

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