Wednesday, October 14, 2009

High School Reunion

This past weekend I attended my 20 year High School Reunion. Seriously, there's no way it's been that long and no way I can be that old. Either way, we had a reunion and it was FUN.

I had a great date: DAD! It was the opening day of deer season and Ronnie didn't get to hunt last year so I let him go hunting. That meant Dad got to walk me in and get to see all the people he hadn't seen in years either. Well, some he had seen more recently than others.

What did I notice? We all looked the same - basically. Some of us liked it to have the lights on and the music down, the very opposite of the way it used to be. But we're already planning the 25th reunion and the changes we'll need.

I think I accidental nominated myself to the help get the next one going. How did I do that? I asked who was. Darn, never ever ask questions like that!

I was a little different too. I didn't close the party down but rather pulled Dad out about 10pm. I was tired. He bought me dinner when we left, McDonald's so we could take out meds. Things do change :)

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