Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mr. UPS Man

My Chemo drugs are shipped via UPS. Priority Overnight UPS; this means you have to be there to sign for them and they arrive sometime between 8am to Noon.

I had been notified that the drugs were on the way but really had no idea what time they would be there. Ronnie had something to do and I figured as soon as I jumped in the shower the UPS man would show up. So I just had to hang out in my robe and wait. Keep in mind that living in the country UPS tends to show up around 5pm no matter what time they are supposed to be here.

The guy finally showed around noon. I opened the door and the guy was looking weird. Well, I did look pretty bad. I still had on my fuzzy pink robe and Pj's. Hair all messed up. You know that just outta bed, all messed up look. I had brushed my teeth so I knew it wasn't bad breath. He kept looking at the ground and not at me at all. I apologized for being in my robe and explained that I knew he'd show up as soon as I jumped in the shower. He mumbled something about signing and just hurried off the porch. I took my package and checked out my drugs.

All was good, I had my drugs and I could finally take a shower. I walked into the bathroom and I suddenly realized why the UPS man was freaked out - I didn't have a hat on. I had been standing there in my robe with 1/2 a head of hair and a huge scar running down over half my head. No wonder I scared the guy!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I'm growing Hair!!! It's not all over (the bald spot) but there is some there. I didn't realize I was so vain but I guess I am. I wonder if that song is about me?

Just finished up chemo for this month and I'm dragging. I really want to go back to bed but I'm trying to do something. Also that food thing... it doesn't like me and I don't like it. Even if it taste really good, it makes my tummy hurt.

Tip: Buy stock in Pepsi. It's the only thing that makes my tummy feel a little better. (sipping Pepsi as I type)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

I don't always have funny stuff or am I in a funny mood. As most people will tell you I'm a nice person but that's not always the case. This week I'm on chemo and feel like crap. There was an email about our 20 class reunion. Here's how I responded.

- reunion. Let's see that sounds like loads of fun. 1/2 head of hair, blown up from steroids, lots drugs (not the fun ones) and I have a seizure if I get too tired or emotional

The best part - wasn't even my reunion (AUGH!! > crying!).

I'm going back to bed now.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Word Salad

For all my fellow BSG (Battlestar Galactica) fans you may have missed this little tidbit.

On last Friday nite's episode, No Exit, Sam Anders had a bullet in his brain. A neurosurgeon was called in to remove it. Anders was having a very difficult time expressing his thoughts and the conversation went something like this:

Anders: It's ... um.. It's that.... AUGH
Starbuck: What's wrong with him?!?
Neurosurgeon: He has aphasia. We like to call it word salad.


Ronnie died laughing, as did I. Hank just wondered what all the fuss was about.

Here's example.

I'm watching Headline News and the chimpanzee story came on. Ronnie walked over and we were discussing having lunch. Problem 1: I'm trying to multitask - this is never a good idea. I'm trying to turn the channel because I really do not want to hear about the chimp. I'm also talking to Ronnie about lunch.

Ronnie: What are you doing?

Me: I don't want to watch this chimp stuff.

Ronnie: What?!?

Me: I do no want to see this.

Ronnie: oh you said wear.

ME: I said I didn't want to wear a chimp?

Ronnie: yes


Something just happened that I was going to write about. I forgot what it was already!!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How long was that in the oven?

Just a quickie to show you how bad my memory is.

Tonight we're having Stouffer's frozen Lasagna for dinner. I read the directions, pop it in the oven and set the timer. It's one of the 2 parters, cook covered for a while and then uncover and cook some more.

The timer goes off and I go in to uncover the lasagna. I suddenly realize I have no idea how long it has been in the oven or how long I set the timer for. I'm totally confused. I walk into the living room and tell Ronnie about my predicament. He calmly looks at the clock and says "how long was it supposed to cook for?" I say about about an hour? "We're OK then"

Thank goodness my husband loves me!

You've got something stuck in your teeth

It's been requested that I post some of the old funny stuff that has happened. I'll start with the oldest (that I remember).

Ronnie and I got out of the hospital on the same day. He hitched a ride home with a friend and Mom drove me home. I'd been in the hospital for 10 days, on high doses of steriods and was craving a cheeseburger. Specifically a McDonald's $1 Double Cheeseburger, $1 sweet tea, and fries. She obliged by going thru the drive thru and we had lunch in the parking lot. Keep in mind my head looked like it had a minature railroad track running on it and my brain would over load if I had too much input (seriously, seizure city). No way we could have gone inside. Besides, I think I was still in my PJs. I was in heaven and happily ate all I could.

The drive home was uneventful, I sipped on my sweet tea and was happy to be going home to my hubby and my own bed. We got home and there were lots of people there. And even more food! All I wanted to do was love on my hubby and go to bed. I said my hello's to everyone and finally got my welcome home hug from Ronnie. All was right with the world again.

I was getting ready to head back to bed and Ronnie looked at me kinda odd. He said, "you got something in your teeth." I reached in and pulled out 1/2 a McDonald's French Fry. That's not just something in your teeth, that's a snack! I had ridden all the way home with 1/2 a FF stuck between my teeth and gum without knowing it. It's over an hour drive from the hospital to my house. *** What you may not realize is that I cannot feel the right side of my lips/teeth/gums due to the surgery. *** So I had no idea I had a snack packed away for later.

Everybody got a big laugh outta that one.

For those of you wondering how I can write these, it takes a long time. I write the wrong words or can't remember words or forget what I'm doing and have to start again. I literally have to write it, read it, fix everything, read it again, fix the other errors, rinse repeat lather. This can take hours to do. I'm not kidding.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

I'm really tired of Meowing

This is what I said to my husband yesterday. I meant to say yawning and I have no idea how my brain translated yawning to meowing but that's the kinda stuff that happens - daily. Sometimes I know I said the wrong thing and sometimes I don't. Fortunately I have a very patient husband and friends. :)

Why am I doing this? I have crazy stuff happen to me all the time. Sometimes funny, sometimes sad. My friends have been telling me that I need to write all this stuff down so I won't forget it. I figured they were right. Why? Someone recommended I blog. I went to write down "check on blog" and between the time they suggested it and I was going to write it down, I forgot what I was going to write. Let me be more specific: I was on the computer IMing and the to do list was right in front of me. I totally lost what I was doing that quick. This type of thing happens all the time. It drives me crazy. I spend lots of time trying to remember what I was going to do and very little getting things done.

On another bright note: I found Holly's Christmas gift today. I had hide it before Christmas and it took me this long to find it!