Wednesday, February 18, 2009

You've got something stuck in your teeth

It's been requested that I post some of the old funny stuff that has happened. I'll start with the oldest (that I remember).

Ronnie and I got out of the hospital on the same day. He hitched a ride home with a friend and Mom drove me home. I'd been in the hospital for 10 days, on high doses of steriods and was craving a cheeseburger. Specifically a McDonald's $1 Double Cheeseburger, $1 sweet tea, and fries. She obliged by going thru the drive thru and we had lunch in the parking lot. Keep in mind my head looked like it had a minature railroad track running on it and my brain would over load if I had too much input (seriously, seizure city). No way we could have gone inside. Besides, I think I was still in my PJs. I was in heaven and happily ate all I could.

The drive home was uneventful, I sipped on my sweet tea and was happy to be going home to my hubby and my own bed. We got home and there were lots of people there. And even more food! All I wanted to do was love on my hubby and go to bed. I said my hello's to everyone and finally got my welcome home hug from Ronnie. All was right with the world again.

I was getting ready to head back to bed and Ronnie looked at me kinda odd. He said, "you got something in your teeth." I reached in and pulled out 1/2 a McDonald's French Fry. That's not just something in your teeth, that's a snack! I had ridden all the way home with 1/2 a FF stuck between my teeth and gum without knowing it. It's over an hour drive from the hospital to my house. *** What you may not realize is that I cannot feel the right side of my lips/teeth/gums due to the surgery. *** So I had no idea I had a snack packed away for later.

Everybody got a big laugh outta that one.

For those of you wondering how I can write these, it takes a long time. I write the wrong words or can't remember words or forget what I'm doing and have to start again. I literally have to write it, read it, fix everything, read it again, fix the other errors, rinse repeat lather. This can take hours to do. I'm not kidding.

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