Tuesday, May 12, 2009


I have a new nickname: Alfalfa!

My hair is growing back in nicely and I have one little spriglette (a group of hair) on the top of my head sticking straight up. Therefore I am Alfalfa. I always wanted to be Darla but this means I can be a member of the He-Man Woman Haters Club. There is always an upside.

Since my hair is looking suave I'm not wearing a hat. It blends pretty well with a pony tail since there isn't hair "missing" then. I've not gotten too many strange looks or even had a chance to tell my Hippo story again. I've only come to one conclusion: teenagers sux!

Case in point. While at dinner I had a couple of the servers do a walk by. They got right behind me and went psycho " OMG " and ran away. Geez people. I don't mind the stares but I can still hear. I hope I wasn't that crappy as a teenager.

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