Friday, May 1, 2009

My day so far

I arrived home from lunch and had a message from the Neurologist about my blood work. If they are calling this quick, it's not going to be good. It probably means I'll have to take more or less of a medication or they might switch me to something different. They said they would call me back so I'll post an update when I have more info.

I get to increase my Carbatrol intake from 4 pills to 5 each dose. That means I take 5 pills in the AM and another 5 in the PM. In addition to 2 Keppra in the AM/PM and 5 Dilantin in the PM only. Fun Times!

Ronnie is very good about getting me out of the house. Today he took me out to lunch at Bojangle's and to pick up my nausea meds.

I don't eat a lot, I think my body has gone into starvation mode because I'm not really losing weight. This isn't a such a bad thing because the Dr's want you to maintain your weight while on Chemo.

Lunch! We hit Bo's and went inside. Line was long so we had plenty of time to figure out what we wanted. I decided to try out the Chicken Tenders so I had 2 options: Special of 3 chicken strips and a biscuit for $2.99 then add on more for Tea OR Kids Meal of 2 chicken strips, FF's, biscuit and child size drink for $3.59. I went with the kids meal. More food for less money and I get a drink!

Ronnie lost it (laughing), he could not believe I was ordering kids meal. He gave me a lot of grief. What did I eat of my Kid's Meal? Exactly 2 chicken strips and about 4 FF's. Oh yeah, I pinched off a couple small pieces of the biscuit because my mouth was burning up.

I'm sure everyone else has this ringing in your head as well:
Somewhere in Africa there is a child starving who would love to have all my leftover food. Well, they can have it if they want it. They just have to come and get it :)

I almost forgot!
This is what I found when I let Hank out this morning

I ran inside and called Ronnie. He had killed a Turkey (YEAH!) and couldn't get home quickly. By the time I got out of the shower IT was gone.
Great now I have a rogue snake roaming around my yard.

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