Monday, May 25, 2009

Dog Proof Shower Curtain

I either need a waterproof camera or a dog proof shower curtain.

Hank loves water. Add this to his new found ability to invade the back of the house and we have trouble.

It all started with a poke thru the shower curtain and a large shadow. Then there was a pink/brown nose sniffing under the curtain, drinking water. He seemed to be confused about the entire shower curtain thing and couldn't figure it out. It didn't take long.

Suddenly I was not showering alone, I had my little buddy with me! Seriously, Hank was standing next to me in the shower. He was licking up water from everywhere and as happy as he could be.

I tried to shoo him out and keep him from getting sooo wet. This failed. I finally decided I might as well give him a bath while we were there. I grabbed the Baby Shampoo and lathered him up. Of course, after trying to get him out earlier now is the time he wants out. He goes tearing thru the house all wet and lathered up. I finally got him back in the shower and rinsed off. It took a lot.

I finally got all the hair out of the drain and it was a lot of hair. Seems like it's shedding time already. Anyway, I finally got myself all cleaned up.

I jumped out and realized I still had a problem on my hands. There was a big wet dog running around the house trying to dry himself off. There were wet marks with clumps of hair all the way down the hall. My entire bathroom was floor was soaked. A few beach towels later and we were mostly dry.

Today Hank stayed in his crate while we showered.

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