Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Pick up Stix

I'm sure lots of you remember the cool game of Pick Up Stix. You'd have a can of sticks that you dropped on the floor. You'd then try to pick up a stick without disturbing the other sticks. Kinda like a very low tech version of Operation.

I made my very own home version of Pick Up Stix! But with this version you use Spaghetti. Just take a box of Spaghetti, don't need any particular brand, the store brand works just fine. Pick up the new box checking to see which end to open. Realize as 100s of noodles hit your bare feet that the box was in fact not new and had been opened at the end pointing down. You know get to play Pick Up Stix as long as you want! Or you can do as I did and just get them all up and put them in the trash while having your husband laugh his butt off while he trying to keep the dog from eating the noodles.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cleaning the Kitchen

I know everyone is tired of all the info about doctors and diagnoses, I know I am. So I'm going to give you a little funny for today.

I try to keep the kitchen clean. By clean I mean, dishes in the dishwasher, counters clean, and the floor not covered in dog & cat hair.

So I grab the Fantastic (obvious plug here, they should send me a free bottle) and start cleaning the counters. I have no idea how our counter tops get so dirty but every morning they are nasty. So I start on the right side, spraying everywhere. I think, this isn't spraying right. So I wipe up that area and change the spray nozzle to get it back right. I start spraying the middle and think, it's still not right. So I check the nozzle again and it's the same pattern on both sides. Oh well, I move on. I spray the left side and realize not only is it not spraying right, it doesn't smell right either. So I check the bottle, yeah blue bottle of cleaner. Wait.... that doesn't say Fantastic, no that's Spot Shot. Well DUH! No wonder it doesn't spray or smell right!

I had to re-clean the entire area again with Fantastic. At least the counters are clean.

Monday, September 21, 2009

New Day - New Week

The start of a new week - Another day at the Neurologist.

I had my in follow up about the EEG and the general state of things. Everything looks to get going well with the brain waves. I have to get help controlling the stressors that cause the pseudo seizures. Once we have that under control we can start easing off the Dilantin.

Why is this cool? I'll be down to only 2 seizures meds; 4 less pills a day. Dilantin interferes with pretty much every other drug in the world so I could take fun stuff like Tylenol or Midol. I could pop a Tylenol Sinus if I had a headache.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Results - Kinda

After almost 2 weeks and wearing that EEG for 48 hours I finally have the results. There is no sign of epileptic activity in my brain. WTF?!?

I'm having Psychogenic non-epileptic seizures aka pseudo-seizures. This means there are no abnormal brain waves when I'm having "issues" that it is most likely STRESS related. I cannot begin to imagine why I'd be having stress issues? Let's see: brain cancer, seizures, husband with cancer, can't drive so I'm stuck at home 24/7 with basically no control over my life. Can't imagine why I'd have any stress or even a little depression.

Great, so I have to get myself together before I can get myself together...

It's a dog eat dog world and I'm wearing my Milk-bone underwear.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Still Waiting

My Noggin is still Nutty. I'm waiting for the results from the EEG. Nothing exciting there. Hopefully we'll find out something out next week and get a plan to turn things around.

Other notable items:

  • Hank had a bath! He smells better at least
  • The umbrella is D E A D. How do you keep one from blowing over? It has the little wind flaps at the top and it's in a heavy base.
  • Tick #2 removed from my ankle this week. I'm beginning to think I'm a tick magnet.
  • Chocolate Milk makes everything better.

My rant for today: My hair is growing back in. It's curly/wavy or sticking straight up. This does not look well with my existing straight flat hair. The hair growing in on the right side (where it thinned) is making my straight flat hair stick our OR I just have random curly springs coming out. I've found the only way to fix it is with a hat. On the plus side my pony tail is now 8 inches long so I'm getting closer to donation length.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Waiting on EEG results

Last time I published was a while ago. This seizure crap is for the birds. I'm not having a seizure every day, just feeling like I'm going to have one.

I wore the ambulatory EEG for 48 hours and I'm still finding sticky stuff all over my head. And there's a EEG lead imprint on my forehead - still! Oh yeah, I had it taken off on Friday. Hopefully they will find something and get this all straight.

I had to cancel a beach trip. Why? I cannot ride in a car w/o almost having a seizure; no way I could ride for 3 hours.

I am fortunate that everything with the tumor is looking "stable"

Yes I'm a little frustrated cause it's cramping my already very cramped style. And I'm cursing like a sailor so I'm trying to stop. I suggested a jar that I had to donate to every time I said a bad word. My husband told me I'd go broke.