Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Cleaning the Kitchen

I know everyone is tired of all the info about doctors and diagnoses, I know I am. So I'm going to give you a little funny for today.

I try to keep the kitchen clean. By clean I mean, dishes in the dishwasher, counters clean, and the floor not covered in dog & cat hair.

So I grab the Fantastic (obvious plug here, they should send me a free bottle) and start cleaning the counters. I have no idea how our counter tops get so dirty but every morning they are nasty. So I start on the right side, spraying everywhere. I think, this isn't spraying right. So I wipe up that area and change the spray nozzle to get it back right. I start spraying the middle and think, it's still not right. So I check the nozzle again and it's the same pattern on both sides. Oh well, I move on. I spray the left side and realize not only is it not spraying right, it doesn't smell right either. So I check the bottle, yeah blue bottle of cleaner. Wait.... that doesn't say Fantastic, no that's Spot Shot. Well DUH! No wonder it doesn't spray or smell right!

I had to re-clean the entire area again with Fantastic. At least the counters are clean.

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