Thursday, April 30, 2009

Blood Work Day!

Tomorrow is blood work day. I've actually grown used to being stuck with a needle and having my blood drawn out. I always wanted to be a Vampire when I grew up, guess I'm now the opposite.

Hopefully my "levels" will be OK and we might be able to get my seizure meds right. Getting there is no fun.

You might tell from the time of this posting that I'm having issues with nausea. Hopefully I've got it under control and all those meds will be in blood stream working like little ... workers? This is one of the places I have issues. I have a hard time making puns and comparing one thing to another, see above. I know there's a name for it but I can't think of it and Google isn't helping. You'd be amazed at what you can find with Google. Basically, I have a hard time explaining myself which is aggravating.

Oh well, it could be much worse. I'm going to TRY to go to bed now or I might just crash on the couch with Hank, that way I'm the only one who doesn't get any sleep.

Well, no one really slept last night. I got to bed and shortly after Ronnie had a horrible case of Acid Reflux. I hadn't gotten to sleep when he got up so I couldn't sleep then. Well, I tried at least.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

My Husband Loves Me

How do you know your husband loves you? I have 2 examples:

Yesterday he didn't go hunting to take me out to breakfast. We had Bojangle's and then ran over to WalMart to pick up the stuff we somehow left behind last time but had paid for.

About the time we pulled into the WalMart parking lot I got very suddenly sick on my stomach. I was hanging my head out the window gagging and he was calming telling me it would be alright, we'd be parked in a minute and it would be all better. He did a great job of calming me down and not freaking out.

He told me that my hair had grown in enough that now it just looked like I'd had surgery. :)

Now that's true love!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Happy Thoughts

I quickly ran into the grocery store yesterday to grab a couple steaks for dinner. They were for Ronnie and his sister (and don't forget Hank) but I ate some too!

I should mention Ronnie's Sister took me out and we forgot a hat. Oh well, not a biggie for me.

As I was checking out the lady behind me had some really odd named red wine, Cat something. I asked her about it and she it was not too bad. I said something about loving to have a glass but couldn't. She immediately said she had noticed my head and asked me what happened. I told her I had a brain tumor removed. She quickly added that her husband had one removed in 1980 and was still kickn'

I told her Thank You, I needed to hear news like that. I walked out with a big cheesy grin on my face.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Chemo Stuff

I've decided that the more you take Chemo the more it beats you down. I had hoped that my body would become resistant and it would get easy as it went. Well I was wrong.

Also, I only take the pills for 5 days so lots of people think it's only a 5 day problem. Nope. It takes 2 weeks to get all the crap outta my system. That's 2 weeks from the last pill. So over those 2 weeks there is sometime in there when it's hitting hard and it's not even during the Chemo time!

Ok, I realize I"m just complaining. I'm going to do what I do best, curl back up in bed.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Taking a Shower

I talk a lot about my (lack of) memory and the inability to do more than 1 thing at a time. I have the perfect example from trying to take a shower this morning.

When I shower I do the following in this order or I get confused and have to redo stuff to make sure everything gets done. I've always done this because when you're half awake in the shower everybody gets confused.
  1. Get in shower and wet hair
  2. Clean face with girly cleaner
  3. Wash and Condition hair
  4. Wash body with poof
  5. Rinse
  6. Exit shower

I was feeling good this morning. Why? Because there was no gagging while brushing my teeth. So while in the shower I decided to plan my day tomorrow. Not a good idea, see this is doing more than 1 thing at a time!

I get in the shower and start getting all wet. Thinking about how we can hit Beauty World tomorrow and see if I could possibly get a weave. I realize I'm washing my hair. Ok, no biggie I can wash my face after I get through with my hair.

So I go to pick up my face cleaner but instead pour a huge amount of body wash into my hand. Ok no problem, I'll dump that on the body poof and wash. I'll just wash my face next, so I won't forget but I have to remember to condition my hair too.

So thinking I was going to wash my face I grabbed the conditioner and put it on my hair. At this point I think "screw it" I"m washing my face now and I'll just let the conditioner sit in my hair.

Finally! I rinse everything off and I'm good to go. That was too much trouble for just 1 shower.

Monday, April 13, 2009

6 Months

It's been 6 months. Six months since I drove or left home by myself. It may not sound like much but think about it for a moment.

You're at home and you want to run to the store? You want to grab some lunch or dinner? You need to go to the Pharmacy. Can't do it unless you have someone to drive you.

Want some time just to drive? Just throw the dog in the back and split some French Fries? Still can't go.

You are completely dependent on someone else.

This is particularly difficult when you're very independent.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Laughing Hippo

Dad picked me up this morning (lunch) to hang out with him and chill at "home" for the day. I knew there were a couple little kids around and I'd need to explain why my head looks weird.

I had to think a lot but I finally figured it out. Here it goes:

I was working at the zoo. (Yes, I work at the zoo) I washing a hippo and I started tickling him because I washing him under his arm. Well, the hippo starting laughing and accidentally kicked me in the head. No the hippo didn't get in trouble and yes I'll be fine.

So I got this story told to one little cousin. I just got a call from her Mom thanking me for the story because it was 20 questions all the way home. Why did the hippo kick Nannypea? Why was she washing him? Why does she work at the zoo? And just went on and on from there.

She thought she'd answered all the questions and they had moved on from the hippo incident. They were working on letters using flash cards. When the H card came up the answer was "H for Hippo like the one that kicked Nannypea in the head."

Never ever underestimate the memory of a 3 year old!

Saturday, April 4, 2009


They cleaning ladies came a couple days ago. I feel like a total slacker, loser when they are here and so does Ronnie. Whenever they come we try to go out and have lunch.

We decided to head toward Wake Forest to grab a bite to eat. Ronnie needs a new computer desk so we were going to do double duty and look for a desk too. I am very rarely hungry so asking me where I want to eat is never fun because I really don't care. Think about it. When you aren't hungry do you really care about food or what other people are eating?

Ronnie had a super idea, we'd hit the all you can eat Chinese Buffet. Although the all you eat part doesn't really fall into line, the buffet works great. With that much choice I should be able to find something I can eat. If nothing else I can have some rice or lo mien.

As usual, I had my hair in a pony tail and a ball cap on. I'm not really used to wearing these because the only time I wear a hat is when I'm out. Not in the car, not in the house, only when I absolutely have to.

The sneeze guards on this buffet were serious. Nothing was going to get through them. I even had a hard time getting some Egg Drop Soup because they were so low. So I'm leaning over trying to see what I'm doing and BAP! The brim (bill, whatever it is you call it) WHACKS the sneeze guard. My head bounced back but the sneeze guard didn't move.

Now this wouldn't be too bad but I did it several times. It's funny now but kinda embarrassing when it happened.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mrs. Williams

I'd never spent the night in the hospital before. My only view was from people I had visited. I really had not thought about having 2 people in a room but when I arrived, I had a roomie. I kind of felt sorry for her because I had the side farthest away from the door. That meant that everyone that came in had to go by her to get to me. Or the bathroom. Or pretty much anything.

Anyway, I got all setup and turned on the TV. Had loads of people there hanging out. I asked the nurse for something to make me sleep. I wanted a knock-me-the-f*-out pill but I got an Ambien. The nurse assured me it would help me sleep. So far I had not heard a peep out of Mrs. Williams.

The ambien kicked in and I feel asleep, finally. I'm guess I was asleep about 30 minutes when I heard her. She was complaining about something and hollering for the nurse. I really do mean speaking very loudly calling for the nurse. She wasn't pushing the call button. After about 15 minutes I pushed my call button.

Not a minute later the nurse responded and I told her about Mrs. Williams. The nurse came in and assisted Mrs. Williams. Made sure she understood how to operate the button and went back to work.

Obviously the instructions for operating the call button didn't sink in. She never touched the button - ever. About the third or forth time I rang the nurse she would just respond "Mrs. Williams again?" I'd confirm and she'd come in and help her. Mrs. Williams only got more interesting as the night wore on....