Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Taking a Shower

I talk a lot about my (lack of) memory and the inability to do more than 1 thing at a time. I have the perfect example from trying to take a shower this morning.

When I shower I do the following in this order or I get confused and have to redo stuff to make sure everything gets done. I've always done this because when you're half awake in the shower everybody gets confused.
  1. Get in shower and wet hair
  2. Clean face with girly cleaner
  3. Wash and Condition hair
  4. Wash body with poof
  5. Rinse
  6. Exit shower

I was feeling good this morning. Why? Because there was no gagging while brushing my teeth. So while in the shower I decided to plan my day tomorrow. Not a good idea, see this is doing more than 1 thing at a time!

I get in the shower and start getting all wet. Thinking about how we can hit Beauty World tomorrow and see if I could possibly get a weave. I realize I'm washing my hair. Ok, no biggie I can wash my face after I get through with my hair.

So I go to pick up my face cleaner but instead pour a huge amount of body wash into my hand. Ok no problem, I'll dump that on the body poof and wash. I'll just wash my face next, so I won't forget but I have to remember to condition my hair too.

So thinking I was going to wash my face I grabbed the conditioner and put it on my hair. At this point I think "screw it" I"m washing my face now and I'll just let the conditioner sit in my hair.

Finally! I rinse everything off and I'm good to go. That was too much trouble for just 1 shower.

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