Thursday, April 2, 2009

Mrs. Williams

I'd never spent the night in the hospital before. My only view was from people I had visited. I really had not thought about having 2 people in a room but when I arrived, I had a roomie. I kind of felt sorry for her because I had the side farthest away from the door. That meant that everyone that came in had to go by her to get to me. Or the bathroom. Or pretty much anything.

Anyway, I got all setup and turned on the TV. Had loads of people there hanging out. I asked the nurse for something to make me sleep. I wanted a knock-me-the-f*-out pill but I got an Ambien. The nurse assured me it would help me sleep. So far I had not heard a peep out of Mrs. Williams.

The ambien kicked in and I feel asleep, finally. I'm guess I was asleep about 30 minutes when I heard her. She was complaining about something and hollering for the nurse. I really do mean speaking very loudly calling for the nurse. She wasn't pushing the call button. After about 15 minutes I pushed my call button.

Not a minute later the nurse responded and I told her about Mrs. Williams. The nurse came in and assisted Mrs. Williams. Made sure she understood how to operate the button and went back to work.

Obviously the instructions for operating the call button didn't sink in. She never touched the button - ever. About the third or forth time I rang the nurse she would just respond "Mrs. Williams again?" I'd confirm and she'd come in and help her. Mrs. Williams only got more interesting as the night wore on....

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