Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I've got good news

As previously seen on Nannypea's Nutty Noggin the ER Dr thought I was on drugs. He assured us everything was OK, probably just a drug interaction but he ordered some test just to make sure.

The nurses came in and took enough blood that I thought I'd need a transfusion. Then another nurse showed up and asked if I was ready for my CT Scan. She asked if I could walk the oh... 200 feet to the CT room. We walked over, did the test and I was back in my little room in 2, maybe 3 minutes. No one could believe it was already done.

So we settled back and started chatting about the Presidential debate. It was about to come on and we were trying to decide who would "win."

The Dr came in acting a little weird. He found the TV remote and the mute button, mumbling something about not getting distracted. He got a little stool and sat down in in the middle of the room. He then announced "I've got good news."

We all sat patiently waiting.... "Your blood test look great"..... "but you have a brain tumor."

Queue mass hysteria and me ordering a round of Valium for the room.

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