Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Be Very Quiet, I'm hunting Rabbits

Ronnie's hunting season for the Evil Deer Overlords had been absolutely ruined by his cancer and surgery. He had been conspiring with friends on how to save the season before he even went into the hospital.

They figured out he could hunt in the afternoon after bringing me back from my radiation treatment. It worked perfectly because I slept all afternoon. The only change he had to make was to keep his mobile phone on vibrate so IF I had a problem I could call him.

One afternoon he's waiting for the King of the Evil Deer Overlords to show up when this happens:

buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz buzz
Ronnie: (whispering) hello
Lisa P: (whispering) Hey, it's Lisa P. Why are we whispering?
Ronnie: (whispering) I'm in a tree
Lisa P: (whispering) Um, then why are you answering your phone?
Ronnie: (whispering) Just to make sure Nannypea is OK
Lisa P: (whispering) I was just calling to make sure Nannypea was OK

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