Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Are you on drugs?

The day of "the seizure" KJ and I were on the way to meet some friends for dinner and drinks. The seizure hits, the ambulance shows up and off to the ER we go. Well, off we go after KJ tells the ambulance which ER we wanted to go to. I'm not sure why that is even a question, duh, the closest one!

We get to the ER and eventually the ER Dr. shows up. He starts asking the normal questions with a few different ones scattered in. Stuff like: have you taken anything different today? Have you eaten anything different? Sure you've not taken anything else? Over and over.

I'm wracking my brain trying to figure out if I had taken something different today. I do remember I had taken some sinus meds and told him about that but he keeps up. Finally he asks the question: "Do you take recreational drugs?" That was an easy one : NO!

It was so obvious that when he walked out KJ looked and me and said can you believe he keeps asking you about drugs? He came back and started again! I finally told him I wish I had taken drugs so he'd stop asking me about it. He kinda let up after that.

I thought I heard the last of my "drug usage" but when Mom and Philip, my Step-dad, showed up he looked at them and said, "Don't worry, it's probably just a drug interaction."

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